Monday, February 28, 2011

What the heck am I good at?

To figure out our passion in life (and through our passion, our purpose) we need to figure out what we are naturally good at. I think I'm a hard worker and I try hard to succeed at every job I've had. I like a challenge of proving myself and I love being rewarded for it.

So embarrassingly enough, I think I will list the things that I am good at, and not necessarily job-related.

The List:
  • Talking to people
  • Getting the nitty gritty details right down to the root
  • Solving problems
  • Matchmaking (setting up people for friendship and romantic relationships)
  • Writing (sometimes, depends what)
  • Listening and giving advice
  • Analyzing relationships

Maybe I should just become a writer for a saucy rag mag.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Will you support my growth? Ok I still like you, be my friend.

"I align myself with people who support my growth.
If you meet someone whose soul is not aligned with yours, send them love and move along."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer

There are people that wish you well, others that don't (eep, move along now!) and those who well, wish you, nothing? Right now I'm struggling to find my spiritual balance as well as figuring my life's work purpose. I have reached out for support to a handful of people, while only briefly mentioning my struggle to others. I think Dr. Dyer's message can be applied to any facet of life. Do you parents support your growth? your spouse? your friends? your boss? It is an important question to consider if you are thinking of "moving on". At this point in my life right now it's been very clear to me about a few people in my life that I need to let go of. I think a part of me is mourning this transition while trying to move on with those I've chosen to maintain a relationship with.

I think it all comes down to this quote by Iyanla Vanzant, spiritual practioner made famous by Oprah in the 90's and again this past couple of weeks.

"The only way to get what you really want is to let go of what you don't want." — Iyanla Vanzant


"If you don't choose me, I'm not going to let myself keep choosing you." Iyanla Vanzant

The lesson that I'm working on, is that sometimes, it's ok to not know what you want and to know where you are going, but to at least recognize what you do not want and where you don't want to be.

So, what do you not want?

Can we commit, even if only for 100 days?

I came across this, quite a few people are following the 100 day plan. I copied from someone else.

In my eternal quest to find motivation and inspiration to lose weight, I came across a book call '100 Days of Weight Loss - The Secret to Being Successful on Any Diet Plan' A Daily Motivator.It appealed to me because of 'secret' in the title, but when I started really looking at it, it has 100 Days of lessons to keep you on your path to weight loss and learning more about yourself.I figure 100 days should be enough to get me well on my way to a healthy lifestyle.

Already, just in the welcoming pages, I can see this being a helpful TOOL (that's the key, just another tool to help me succeed.)It's designed to work with any diet-plan, it's not shaped around 'how to lose weight' more on 'how to make you successful at losing weight.'You simply follow (although I would like to commit) to following your diet plan for 100 days. And you complete one-lesson from the book each day for 100 consecutive days.Before starting, the author asks you to write down at least 10 reasons why you want to lose weight and maintain your success. She then suggests keeping that list with you and reading it daily, then re-reading it during times of struggle, when you feel discouraged or tempted.

And she has a 'catch phrase' to use "You've come this far, don't stop now. If you're struggling to stick with it, push yourself to finish one more day. You'll immediately be another day closer to achieving your weight loss goals. Just do one more day!"

My top ten reasons why you want to lose weight and maintain my success:
1. I want to feel good in my own skin
2. I want others to think that I look good
3. I want to be healthy
4. I want no weight barriers stopping me from living up to my potential
5. I want to avoid diabetes and cancer
6. I don't want to weigh more than my husband
7. I want to be full of energy
8. I want to become pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy
9. I want my children to be free of my emotiona eating and food issues
10. I want to go far in my career and have a polished professional appearance.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Saucy: My pseudo-ego!

I used to (ok I still do but I never post in it) have a blog on Livejournal. Saucy became my nickname from my university part-time job, slinging spag in an "Italian" restaurant.

The definitely of Saucy definitely fits me to a T.

1. Impudent; flippant: "a saucy remark".
2. Bold and lively; smart-looking

I chose the latter.

Welcome to my blog. Thank you for reading and putting up with my Quarter Life Crisis in this Saucy Life!
